Friday, November 14, 2008

Shaking off the rust

I met Mandy yesterday after a long while and he was sorry about not being able to meet me often. We did wish each several times as we bumped into each other at various crossroads, but we never really sat together and had a soul talk as we do usually.

Actually even I’m sorry for not meeting you guys.

Anyway, as you would want to know how everything with Mandy going on, it’s fine. He’s got admission to a post graduate programme in a Design school and is extremely happy to see his platter full of menus that he never had tasted.

It’s funny how a person’s reasoning ability keeps on fluctuating with time. Mandy has been seeing a lot of such phases and he chuckles when he talks about it. Actually, he was seeing his engineering college photos and his stomach was as usually churned to see long forgotten faces, recalling extraordinary events and happenings...rekindling old cherished moments.

Well well well... you’ll ask...what happened to the ‘reasoning ability’ that I began with in the previous paragraph about and Mandy chuckles about? It’s like this...

When we crave for something desperately, we are ready to give it our whole and soul; that’s reasonable. Now as a result of well directed and calculated desperation, we may end up achieving the thing and unfortunately that ends our craving. We now, either get trapped in the web of laziness, much like a soldier would after winning a long fought battle, or lose the dignity of labour if we do not find something new to crave for. What happens to the cause for which we slog so much gets lost in the entire dynamics of events. This scene gets even more aggravated if the cause is not compulsive but demands self-motivation. Then follow the phases of uncharacteristic laziness and sudden bursts of energy – we get caught in a current that drags us and we neither swim opposite it or across it. It’s a senseless sequence of events that you surrender yourself to unconsciously. Our reasoning ability diminishes (This is the longest paragraph I must have ever written...look, I got dragged by the current. It was initiated by my desperately wanting to explain you exactly ‘why exactly our reasoning ability fluctuates’!).

Then after a long while (similar to the long interval after which Mandy met me and I met you) we suddenly wake up and break the rut and find another cause to feel craving for...and thus fluctuates our reasoning ability.

Sorry. I know I have bored you but look...I too lost my reasoning ability! I know exactly what’s missing in this post. I haven’t written about Mandy much here.

Mandy is fine but not happy with himself. He is now grown all chubby and started developing fat around himself. Although the scene is not gone beyond control, he’s does not seem to care, and that’s something to care about. With his sage like attitude (read the post ‘9 In A Row’) of no unsolicited feelings about girls, his demeanour is now hailed to ‘I don’t care what happens to me’.

He is now like a sheet of paper on a windy day - regulated by the wind, haywire.

We talked about this same thing for a long while and Mandy discovered another battle that needs a fight. A fight against this fluctuation of reason – the reason to live and shape our life...

But these battles ain't easy. Its a tough fight and an unending one till you discipline yourself and till you find a groove that you fit in.

Its time to say less and do more...

I know its a tough one from Mandy this time and my readers will think what a shift of manner; but I guess that's the way it is this time...its just about shaking off the rust that has accumulated over your beautiful mind...


Saurabh Rathi said...

hi mandy..well only u can write :)

Nitin Gurav said...

Mandy shaking off the rust...!
all the bst...Mandy..!!