Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dear Amelie...

Dear Amelie.

This letter should have been written when I was about 20-21 years old. I seem to be late by 4 years now.

Believe me, I have been wanting to write this letter every day ever since I have understood the word -> love. It did take me some time to understand this word and what one needs to be to live upto its meaning, but now I can say that I have and I do.

Amelie ! I love you.

I have always been looking for you. Since the last few years, through all my misendeavours, I have always tried to find you. I did find some with a few qualities like you; but no one had all of them.

So how does it matter -- writing a letter to you now when you are so far away from me and so unreachable...probably you have never seen me.

I wish to tell you how much loving you means to me. Whenever I think of you, the most difficult things in life start seeming as simple to me as breathing. The mere thought that someone like you exists, comforts me. Reality becomes romance for me and romance becomes reality. With you, my life becomes purposeful and my purpose becomes my life.

I want you Amelie. I love your intelligence which doesn't talk worldly things and doesn't solve the problems of the world but makes complicated things in life simple. Your smile diminishes all the misery of the world and I feel like I have met God who has all the answers to this world.

My eyes become wet with tears when I imagine you in my life. I long for a time when you would love me. Just the thought that someone like you would love me makes me ecstatic and I feel like the happiest man in the world.

I think of a time when we would be together -- me waking up each day and seeing your beautiful face and feeling all the contentment in the world. I imagine how beautifully you would fit in my family; you would spread cheer in our home; we would raise our kids and we would take care of our parents. Our family would be a small tree around which an entire ecosystem of friends and relatives would gladly grow. The rituals of daily life would be fun. We would have guests and we would attend functions, hand-in-hand, and I would be the most proud man in the world.

Your touch would turn the household things to living objects. The furniture would walk, the glasses would play music, and the curtains would dance. The walls would befriend us and the floor would move with us. The door bell would sound like birds, the kitchen would hustle and the dishes would bustle and the jars would never be empty. Each morsel you feed us would be a platter full of ambrosia.

Together we would soar the heights of happiness and spread it all around. We would make each other laugh, we would sing each other a song. We would tell the world we do not need anything else and we would never be gone.

I write to you now because I see you everyday but I can't find you. I long for you but I fear that I would never find you. I have lost the confidence of finding you. All these years I have committed the mistake of waiting and waiting and not finding you. Even if I thought it was you, I stayed away thinking what would you think and why would you ever think about me -- you have your own sweet world.

I have grown a bit practical and forgotten my romantic self. I see the reflections of my romantic self in the eyes of young lovers and its memories drive me crazy. Its remembrance brings tears to my eyes and I start thinking whether I have missed the bus for ever and have I become incapable of falling in love?

Tell me Amelie, is the time for that romance gone? Am I still capable of falling in love? Will I still find you? And Would you still love me?

Amelie, I have been waiting for you for so long and I'll be waiting for you all my life.

I love you Amelie. I love you.

- Mandy.

('Amelie' referred here is the character of Amelie Poulain from the French movie Amelie...I love that character very much. I'm in love with Amelie !)